Loop Catalog

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Loop Catalog?

The Loop Catalog is a database of curated high-resolution HiChIP data from published work. Our dataset includes 750 human samples processed with hg38 and and 281 mouse samples processed with mm10. In addition, it also contains 44 high-resolution HiC samples from the 4D Nucleome for auxilary purposes. As development continues, our goal is to include various other analysis tools developed in lab and enhance various types of research such as variant prioritization.

Where does the raw data for these samples come from?

The Gene Expression Omnibus. For the exact GEO and GSM IDs we will release a supplementary table as part of our full publication soon.

What pipeline was used to analyze loops?

Our pipeline and documentation can be found at the Loop-Catalog-Pipelines Github repo linked here: https://github.com/ay-lab-team/Loop-Catalog-Pipelines

How can I cite the Loop Catalog?

We are working on submitting our work to Genome Biology. In the meantime please cite our bioRxiv preprint here: link

What license does the Loop Catalog use?

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

Have some questions for the Loop Catalog Team?
Please check out our Google Groups discussion board. If you still need to reach out to us directly please email Dr. Ferhat Ay (ferhatay@lji.org) and he can direct your inquiry.